Friday, October 29, 2010

A Very Busy Week in Bear Country

(Click on the picture to make it bigger.)

We went to Buckelew Farm on Wednesday.  Here's what the cubs wrote about the trip:
"I rode the bus to the pumpkin patch.  My field trip was fun. Buckelew Farm was my first field trip. It was fun riding on the bus with my friends. I liked reading on the bus. I ate my snack.  We rode a wagon to the patch.  I saw a snake.  There were a lot of pumpkins. The scarecrows were scary.  I had big fun!  It was a nice and warm day.  There were orange, green, yellow, striped, red, big, small and cracked pumpkins.  I rode a wagon to the pumpkin patch.  The wagon ride was fun. I went to the bathroom there and I did not like it because it was smelly!   I picked a medium sized pumpkin.  I liked picking my pumpkin.  I picked a wierd pumpkin.  I didn't like that our first trip was cancelled.  I picked the best pumpkin! After we got our pumpkins we had lunch.  My mom played with us.  I liked when my mom came with us.  I loved it. It was a fun day.  It was a good day.  I had a great time at the farm. My trip was amazing. I wish I could go there again. Thank you Mrs. Pruzin."
We had 5 centers for our Harvest Party on Friday afternoon.  This is a picture of the cubs and Mrs. Pruzin at the end of the day.  As you can see everyone had fun playing candy corn bingo, doing bat bowling, making clay beads for Ben'sBells, making a pumpkin magnet and trying to eat a donut hanging from a string!

Here are some other things that we did this week as written by some cubs: "We got a pumpkin mat and we did everything with our pumpkins. At school we measured our pumpkins. We got a 5 in Art.  I played tag with Ed and I went on the swings. We made a pumpkin out of clay in Art. "

We have been learning about autumn, pumpkins and plants.  We also made pumpkin glyphs.  Below are some pictures that show our learning during the month of October.

(Click on each picture to make it bigger.)

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