Friday, January 8, 2010

News from Bear Country for the Week of Jan. 4th, 2010

We had such a busy first week back! We were so busy on Friday, that the cubs weren't able to get any news written for this week's post on our class blog. Here a just a few of the things that the cubs did this week. Everyone wrote three New Year's resolutions. The children made snowflake transformations. We had two children get their honors trophy at the Spirit Celebration. That makes 14 children reaching the honors level in the school's A.R. club. One cub will get hers at the February Spirit Celebration. We learned about winter and snow. We did a science experiment and made snow! Noah had a birthday celebration. We were busy making fact families in math.


LPipppins said...

Happy New Year Cubs! It sounds as if you are all of to a great start. Looking forward to reading more news about the latest happenings.

LPipppins said...

Hello again, I just realized that I misspelled a word. The word of should be off - sorry!