Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Cubs Report for the Week of Sept. 20th

 At P.E. we played games.  The games were fun.  Games are exercise for you. (Adam)
We played dodge ball.  We didn't win because we kept touching the ball, so we didn't win. (Claire)
In P.E. we did a game called opposum.  It was fun if someone tags me. (Collin)

We did minus.  We did plus. (Charlie)
At math we drew apples. (Adriana)
We made apple hats.  It was fun. (Sophie)
In math we learned subtraction.  It was fun!  I did math!  Yes, it was fun! Yes! Yes! (Mason)

Science and Social Studies:
We colored apple trees in all the seasons.  (Nicolas)
We wondered if an apple and a carrot was going to change. (Crisitian H.)

At recess we played with our reading buddies. (Michael)
At recess we played all day. Recess is fun.  On Friday we played jumprope. (David)

In art we made a sunset.  We made practice sunset.  Then we made a real one.  (Jonas)

In the library I took an A.R. test and I took a book home.  Mrs. Schwart read me a book. (Shreya)

In music we sing and sing and we play a game.  (Amanda)
In music we played the old gray cat.  It was really fun.  We had to hide a mouse and the would try to find it. (Abby)

We wrote about apples.  We learned about the core and the  seeds. (Peyton)

Language Arts:
At the SMARTboard we played "Guess the Covered Word".  I liked it.  I didn't get a turn, but that was okay.  But I liked it still.(Spencer)
At the middle of the day we did "Guess the Covered Word" with apple facts. (Alexandra)
We read to our reading buddies.  I like to read.  Reading is fun. (Megan)
In Self Selected Reading we read and we read to our reading buddies. (Bethania)
I read Ten Apples Up On Top.  I read the Foot Book.  I read the book about fish.  (Hector)

Hawk Walk:
At the Hawk Walk we walked for a really long time.  I got to spray the principal with food except for silly string. (Vincent)
The Hawk Walk was great.  The Hawk Walk is a big celebration.  In the end Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Skillman get a mess. (Ed)

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