Thursday, November 26, 2009

Pruzin's Cubs News

The cubs didn't have time to write for our blog because it was a three day week and they were so busy.

We finished up our learning about the Pilgrims, the Wampanoag People and the first Thanksgiving.

The children have been taking home Tom Turkey as a book buddy for the month of November. There's a great book for them to read and then they write a fiction story about Tom. We've been enjoying the stories. When everyone has had a turn, I will publish the stories on my website in the Writing Den.

We read the script to the play that we'll be performing on Tuesday, December 15th. The play is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".

We had 5 centers that were either about the Wampanoag's or the Pilgrims. One of them was making a table top turkey. You can see some of the finished products at the top of this post.

The turkey calling contest was fun, as always. It was especially great because Tiffany won first place in the contest for first grade. We are very proud of her!


DonnaL said...

Way to go Tiffany! Everyone's Gobble Good turkeys looked so cute!I can't wait to see the grinch play. Have a great day.
Mrs. Lawson

Mrs. Grabill said...

Congratulations to Tiffany! I hope each of you had a really nice Thanksgiving and that you have a great week of learning! I am excited to see the Grinch play, too! Have fun getting ready for it :-)

Toni Pruzin said...

Thanks Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Grabill!

LPipppins said...

So sorry that I'm a little late but as you know it's been a busy time of the year. Way to go Tiffany on winning the turkey calling contest. You did an awesome job! Mrs. Pruzin also did wonderful strutting around like a turkey. She sure knows how to have fun!